What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Saturday 23 February 2013

The Treatment

The Magazine: Pop-In

Target Readership
Pop-In is a new magazine that is aimed at female teenagers who enjoy pop music. The Pop-In reader is 12-17 readers old and their parents would fall into the C1/C2 socioeconomic grouping, therefore readers will rely on finance from their parents. Due to this Pop-In magazine will be relatively low in cost and as the readers will have grown up in the 21st century they will expect equality for all genders. They like mainstream music and enjoy a magazine that doesn't challenge them in any way but its sole purpose is comfort. They inspire to be like the celebrities featured in the articles and are up-to-date with the latest music, fashion, gadgets and hobbies. The average Pop-In reader is friends with everyone and tries hard at school yet enjoys spending time with her friends when she is not working; doing things like going to the cinema or shopping. They will have new gadgets like I-Pods and spend lots of time on I-Tunes or in music shops, they are confident yet think of others around them and enjoy both singing and playing different sports such as netball. They love reality TV especially when music is incorporated into the programme for example, X-Factor or Britain's Got Talent. They also love boy bands for example 1Direction and love discussing them with their friends. A Pop-In girl is social, lots of fun to be with and up for a laugh but also is kind to all and loves pop music

Form and Style
Pop-In is an A4 sized magazine containing everything you need to know about pop music. It will be released fortnightly and target young females from the ages of 12-16. Each issue will feature posters of celebrities and various interviews from them. Articles will mainly be on boy bands and other famous male artists such as Justin Bieber. The colour scheme will be bright and bold reflecting our reader, with primarily purple and pinkish colours. Cover lines will be contemporary and deal with everyday issues and topics that interest teenage girls. Not only will the magazine included celebrities but there will also be interesting competitions and reviews of the latest pop songs. they layout of the front cover will be bright and clustered to show value for money and will always feature a celebrity on the font as I know that from my research this is what pulls teenagers in. Finally the price will be £2.50 as it is affordable enough for teenagers to spend their pocket money on yet expensive enough to make a profit.

Themes and Typical Features
Inside Pop-In there will be made regular features such as the competitions, the review page and the final article, '10 minutes with...' (with a different celebrity each week). These regular articles will give the reader a sense of familiarity coaxing them back for more, mixed in with different articles depending on what has happened over the past 2 weeks, such as and article on The Brits. Although celebrities will play an integral role in the magazine, especially male ones, we still aim to unite girls through pop music and help them in any way we can, therefore another regular page is agony aunt in which young girls can vent their problem and we can hopefully help them. It is not all about celebrities we also aim to promote new, up an coming artists keeping our readers 1 step ahead of the game so that they can impress their friends with their extensive knowledge of modern pop music through our reviews and recommendations. We hope to write informative and inspiring pieces with modern language and about topics that the young can relate to and enjoy.

Potential Advertisers
We want there to be a ranger of adverts throughout our magazine every 2 weeks, advertising popular goods directed at teenage girls for example; Top Shop, Hollister, Forever 21, Miss Selfridge, Herbal Essences, Barry M, HMV, Loreal, Millie's Cookie's etc.

Editorial Team
The editorial team for Pop-In will be made up of young (in their 20's) writers and editors who have a passion for pop music and writing. They will have probably grown up in a generation of 'Top of the Pops magazine' and know what we are aiming for, plus have some knowledge of the present young generation.

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