What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Saturday 23 February 2013

Research into Photography

I have never taken a professional photo before therefore before my test shoot I did some research on taking photographs and one of the most helpful websites was here.
Although not all the information is relevant for a front cover the site really helped me consider simple thing such as lighting, angles etc and I hope this new knowledge will be useful when I take my photos for my music magazine.

As my photography will be relatively basic I have found this slide show to help me. This has aided me to consider how I will take my shots and especially how I will compose my shot in terms of perspective and technically in terms of exposure and brightness etc.

A photographer that I have come across in my research that really interests me is Herb Ritts (see left), a famous portrait photographer for many famous celebrities and top brands such as Vanity Fair and Calvin Klein. Throughout his career he liked simplistic photos that emphasized lines, form and shape. His photographs have inspired me in taking my front cover shot and persuaded me to have a more simplistic yet eye catching type of shot. He especially liked black and white however as my magazine is aimed at a young audience and the genre is pop I think it would be best if I had a bright eye catching colour scheme instead.

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