What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Thursday 21 February 2013

Textual Analysis - Front Cover for Music Magazines

 1) NME
NME or New Musical Express is a well known, successful music magazine that has been running for over 60 years. They usually interview new up and coming artist and this issue is no exception. They have interviewed The Cribs who are a young, punk, alternative group and the mise-en-scene reflects this. The colour scheme is relatively dark to emphasize this and to allow the masthead and the hooks in white and yellow to stand out. In addition to this, the lighting is low and the band's mode of address is  casual, as they a sitting/crouching in a casual position possibly to relate to the reader and portray that they are the same as everyone else. The costume is also quite normal and down to earth with an alternative vibe to further emphasise their casual stance. Direct address is used to appeal to the reader and the shot is obviously a group shot to fit all three members of the band into the frame. The selling points are unique and stand you with a line of The Cribs' interview to entice the reader into buying the issue. There is also a free CD, which is a persuasive factor to further entice the potential reader. Finally like most magazines there is a barcode for purchase reasons plus the date, price and issue number for future reference; however unlike most magazines there is no strapline.

 2) Uncut                                                                               
Uncut is a less well known magazine that was first published in 1997 and is a magazine that not only focuses on music but film and books too. The mast head is the same on each issue and the brightness pulls in readers whilst giving a sense of familiarity.  It also ties in with the white, red and black colour scheme used for the front cover of this particular issue. Unique selling points stand out in these bold colours and various types of font with the celebrities name in the biggest font to catch the eye of potential readers. 'Free CD' is also in a big badge, once again to entice the public to buy the magazine. The mise-en-scene is quite old as the cover shot is a medium shot taken in black and white giving an olden time feel to it, which is fitting as they describe Tom Waits as a 'legend'.  The model is also wearing old vintage-type clothing yet with a modern scruffy twist to appeal to the readers in their early 20's. The stance of Tom Waits is quite laid back and is taken at a low angle with direct address to portray his confidence. Lastly there is also a barcode, price, date and issue number for future reference.                                  

3) We love pop
The bright colours of orange and blue allow this magazine to stand out on the shelf, along with the different and exciting masthead that combines both picture and word appealing to the younger generation. The symbol of the heart is quite like text speak creating a familiar air for the readers. Additionally the lighting is bright so onlookers can clearly see the celebrity endorsing the magazine and also her clothes which are preppy and modern. Her stance is also informal and relaxed with direct address is used in a medium shot to appeal to the reader and display her clothing. The audience have clearly identified what their target market enjoys as they have included many articles on boys including a picture and also fashion, plus the various fonts are easy on the eye and important articles are highlighted to draw the reader in. The lure under the celebrities picture also draws in the audience and the celebrities name is in bright colours and the biggest font on the page to attract more readers who enjoy pop music. The mise-en-scene overall is preppy modern and young with an exciting young vibe appealing to the teenage audience. Finally, like most magazines there is a barcode, price and issue number for referencing to.


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