What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Sunday 10 February 2013


Please answer my magazine questionnaire in the comments box below, thank you :)

1. What gender are you?
a) Male
b) Female

2. What are group are you in?
a) 12 and under
b) 13-18 years old
c) 19-25 years old
d) 26 and over

3. Do you read music magazines?
a) always
b) often
c) sometimes
d) never

4. What genre of music would you like to read about?
a) pop
b) rap
c) rock
d) punk
e) soul
f) classical
g) other .....................................................

5.How often do you buy magazines?
a) daily
b) weekly
c) fortnightly
d) monthly
e) quarterly
f) annualy

6. How much would you pay or a magazine?
a) nothing
b) under £1
c) £1 - £2
d) over £2

7. What are you attracted by in a magazine?
a) free gifts
b) celebrity endorsements
c) competitions
d) posters
e) gossip
f) reviews
g) other ..............................................

8. What colour scheme would you like to see in a magazine?
a) bright girly colours
b) dark colours
c) pastel colour scheme
e) vibrant colours
f) other ...............................................

9. Would you prefer there to be more....
a) articles/ text
b) pictures
c) both

10. What you enjoy most when reading magazines?

1 comment:

  1. 1. What gender are you?
    b) Female

    2. What are group are you in?
    d) 26 and over

    3. Do you read music magazines?
    c) sometimes

    4. What genre of music would you like to read about?
    a) pop
    other: Indie

    5.How often do you buy magazines?
    d) monthly

    6. How much would you pay or a magazine?
    d) over £2

    7. What are you attracted by in a magazine?
    b) celebrities
    c) competitions
    e) gossip
    f) reviews
    Others: interviews

    8. What colour scheme would you like to see in a magazine?
    e) vibrant colours

    9. Would you prefer there to be more....
    c) both

    10. What you enjoy most when reading magazines?
    Articles that are relevant to me
    Celebrity gossip
