What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Friday 22 February 2013

Photoshoot plan

For my music magazine I plan to photograph my friend, Morgan McGinn in London.
The factors that I'll be considering when taking my photos will be:
  1. wardrobe i.e. costumes, hairstyles, make up, jewellery
  2. location
  3. props
  4. lighting
  5. camera angles
As my magazine focuses in on pop and chart music, i must have my model in something modern and trendy; she is a role model and therefore girls look up to her style. Additionally her hairstyle, jewellery and make up must to reflect this. She must also look natural and fresh faced as she is a relatively young girl who has only just risen to fame. For example like the photo to the right of young singer/songwriter Taylor Swift. I want my model to look like an ordinary girl,  a girl that readers can relate to but with that confident spark that others admire, she should stand out from the busy location. I would like her hair to be down and quite wind swept as if she is lost in the busy London crowd yet stand out and be different from the masses of people.

The location I have chosen is London. I have chosen this area as it is very busy and I think it reflects the models new life as a winner of the X-Factor, additionally I believe that the shots should show her standing out of the crowd highlighting how she was picked out of millions of people in the competition. Plus in the city of London there is lots of vibrant colour to catch the eye of the reader. This  location is also fitting as I am aiming for this magazine to be the most popular in the UK so London is an area which people know and can relate to.

I want to use props that people use in everyday life to allow readers to relate to the model. I have not yet finalised my decision on props but I have considered these options:
  1. I-Pod
  2. newspaper/magazine
  3. book
  4. some confectionery

As my location is outdoors I unfortunately rely very heavily on natural lighting. This will make things more difficult as I cannot control the amount of lighting in one particular shot but I will try my best and possibly alter the photos on programmes such as photo shop later on in the process.

Camera Angles
For my shot for the front cover I would like it to be relatively serious with a low angle mid shot showing in full light my model and her clothing. her stance should be confident with a direct address to emphasise this. Additionally I would like two less serious photos for the double page spread, one long shot and one mid shot possibly with different eye lines and I would like my model to be laughing in one of them to show she is a normal girl and to relate to the readers.

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