What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Monday 18 February 2013

Results of the Questionnaire

I received feed back from 4 people, 1 in the comments box on blog spot and 3 by hand, half were female and the other half male. Additionally 3 people were in the age group of 13-18 and 1 person was in the over 26 age group.
Everyone said that they read magazine sometimes or often which is promising for the market as there is so many technological developments that may distract the young from buying magazines. 2 out of the 4 people questioned said pop music would be good for a magazine genre and the other to said rap and Indie. Everyone asked also said that they either bought magazines monthly or quarterly therefore I'm aware that my magazine shouldn't be released too often as this could cause a loss for us producing the magazine. In terms of cost 3 out of 4 people said that they would only pay £1-£2 therefore I must be aware of pricing for my music magazine especially in this economic climate. For the question on what attracts you most in  a magazine I received a range of answers but overall the most frequent was celebrities or freebies, which I must consider when I attempt to create my own magazine. also 3 out the 4 interviewed said vibrant colours would be the best and the other said bright girly colours. People also on the whole said that they preferred pictures to articles. Finally for the last open ended questions I received a variety of results:
1) Articles that are relevant to me and celebrity gossip.
2) Probably posters and the latest gossip.
3) I enjoy reading about new music, keeping you ahead of the game.
4) For me, sometimes in music magazines fashion articles on singers styles is interesting.
I am happy with the feedback that I have received  and I am sure it will be useful in considering what to include inside my own music magazine! Thank you! :)

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