What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Thursday 21 February 2013

Textual Analysis - Contents Page for Music Magazines

1) Top of the Pops
This magazine is a stereotypical and successful pop magazine therefore as expected the colour scheme is a mix of pink and purple with yellow highlighting interesting articles to hook the reader in. The colours connote fun and happiness plus this house style is very girly and appropriate for this type of magazine. However, it is not just the unique selling points and house style that sells the magazine but it also the images, for example the image of popular boy band, One Direction is certain to attract readers. Bleeds have been used for the photo of one direction giving the page a more informal and cluttered look to appeal visually to the young readers. Plus the mode of address is very cheesy and typical to girls magazines by using informal colloquial language such as "We heart shopping". Additionally, important page numbers stand out in bright pink around the front cover for easy navigation throughout the magazine and this helps younger readers to find pages quickly and efficiently. The contents page does follow the normal convention of rule of thirds by splitting the magazine into three and there is also a page number at the bottom of the page for future reference.

 2) NME
This contents page is very different from the previous one however it does follow the conventions of a usual contents page but in its own way, such as the 2 to 3 column layout is there but the columns are irregular and boxed instead making the page more visually interesting and different from the average contents page. The main articles have been placed in boxes with large red numbers that stand out (for accurate navigation) and pictures are also included in the boxes enticing the reader into buying this magazine. In the bottom right hand corner there is an advertisement, telling the reader about the advantages of subscribing to this magazine; it is in bright red to catch the readers and eye and ties in with the NME logo. The magazine targets an alternative audience, it does not promote mainstream pop songs unlike the contents page above therefore the colour scheme is relatively dark but with an all round different style. However, there are still small pictures of popular artists next to page numbers to lure readers in. Another interesting thing is that both magazines have attempted to make their contents page different from the norm by calling it something different for instance, inside this week.

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