What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Friday 29 March 2013

Audience Feedback Overall

This audience feedback was going to be in the form of a video however due to certain technical difficulties I had to type out the transcript.

From a 17 year old girl:
I really like the layout of this magazine, along with the colour scheme it grabs your attention and I would definitely consider buying it if it were available in store. everything is clear and the front cover image really appeals to you as the girl is looking straight down the camera. I also believe that for what is inside it is a good price. Personally I would purchase this magazine as it is similar to other magazine which is comforting and familiar yet different enough to separate it from others. I especially love he colours and the different photos used for the double page spread. The competition featured on the front age also draws me into reading more as I like many others am a big Justin Bieber fan. Only negative is that the slogan is slightly small on the front cover and also it seems to be aimed at a slightly younger audience especially the contents page but overall it seems quite good.

From a 12 year old girl:
I think the front cover is very colourful and uses girly colours which I like. The articles look interesting as they are on topics that I would enjoy such as one direction and it doesn't seem to heard to read with words that I can understand. I like the colours and layout of the contents page especially. I also like the use of lots of photos in particular the ones on the double page.

From a 40 year old mother:
This magazine is obviously not aimed and me but as a mother it seems acceptable for my younger daughter. The content is safe and interesting for the younger audience and the colour schemes, celebrity endorsements and layout will draw young readers in. The price is fairly acceptable compared to other teenage magazines however, in this economic climate I would still like it to be slightly lower. Yet overall it seems like a good magazine which I would probably buy for my daughter.

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