What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Sunday 17 March 2013

Interview for the Double Page Spread of my Music Magazine


Daisy is fresh out of X-Factor and ready to bring the girl power!

1.      Daisy, who inspired you to enter the X-Factor?

My mum and dad! They have always supported m in my singing and wanted me to follow my dreams. One day my mum brought home a form to fill out to enter the show and it all just happened!

2.      Did you expect this amount of success?

No! I never even expected to get past the first round, let alone win! I really am very blessed and thank God each day for my fans and their support it really means a lot to me.

3.      Did you always want to be a singer/songwriter?

Like most children as a child I went through phases at first wanted to be a doctor but I hated blood! (Laughs) Then I went to theatre school at the age of 8 and realised my true passion and direction, performing.

4.      Who are your musical inspirations?

As a child I listened to Mariah Carey a lot, also my mum loved Elvis Presley who has really influenced my song writing career. However in terms of present artists, I LOVE Beyoncé, she just has so much attitude and talent, I’d kill to work with her one day.

5.      What was it like having Simon Cowell as your mentor back when you were on X-Factor?

Everyone thinks he’s really mean but in reality he is the best mentor I could have asked for! Yes, he is a task master but when you are in a completion like the X-Factor it is a very lengthy process and you need that push.

6.      Are you still in touch?

Yes, I saw him last week; he came to give me my birthday present.

7.      Oh Happy birthday! What did he get you?

A stunning Louis Vuitton handbag! I’m a very lucky girl!

8.      How was the X-Factor tour?

Gruelling but amazing! I had so much fun and get on sooo well with the rest of the guys; we are literally one big family (as cheesy as it sounds). Plus the response from the fans was incredible I couldn’t believe it; it was so overwhelming!

9.      Is it true you were a victim of bullying?

Yes, along with many other young teenagers today. From about the ages of 12-16 I was bullied mainly because I was different.  Was a little chubby in comparisons to the rest of the girls, the enjoyed shopping and I enjoyed singing. But I beat the bullies and I would advise anyone out there who is being bullied to be themselves it doesn’t matter what other people think, you can prove them wrong!

10.  When will your debut album My Journey be released and will there be a Tour?

The album should be released next year as I’m still in the process of writing most of the songs and a tour, wow I haven’t yet thought that far ahead however, I would love to tour in my opinion that is the best part of my job! Don’t worry if anything happens my fans will be the first to know! (giggles)

11.  Are the rumours that you went on a date with Harry Styles from One Direction true?

(Laughs) No, definitely not! Harry and I are very good friends, I love him like a brother! We have never been on a date and never will, he knows what the X-Factor Is like and is someone I can talk to, nothing more! (Smiles)

12.   Aww we were hoping for a new Posh and Becks! So what are your plans for the future?

I hope to release my first album next year and then possibly go on tour. In the long-term of course I want music domination (laughs) but I will be happy as long as I get to keep singing and writing songs whilst making my family, fans and all who voted for me proud.

13.   Do you have anything to say to your fans?

First and foremost I’d like to say THANK YOU! I couldn’t have come this far without you, your votes and support mean more to me then you will ever know and I feel very humbled! Also I’d like to tell you all to believe in yourself and your dreams no matter how big or small and never ever let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve those dreams because YOU CAN!

Daisy’s debut album ‘My Journey’ is available to download off I-Tunes from 20th March 2013


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