What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Textual analysis - Student Magazine Front Cover

The mast head is in bold, bright writing which is juxtaposed with the colourful background; making it stand out. There are also lots of unique selling points, they also stand out plus, all
  the different fonts/styles in different colours grab the attention of the reader. The photograph is a mid shot that takes up the whole page grabbing the reader’s attention. It is also a slight low angle shot with a direct address to show that presentational code of the model is confident, appealing to teenagers. The costume is preppy, bright, realistic and student-like, plus it stands out on the red background. Also the colour green could relate to the fact that it is a St Patrick's Day issue. The overall colour scheme is red and green (for St Patrick's day) relating to real time events allowing the reader to relate to the magazine. The dark red background then allows anything to stand out when placed over it however, the red background fades out just slightly behind the model drawing attention to her. The mise-en-scene is young and carefree as connoted by the bright contrasting colours that are used. Finally the date is given so you know when it is

College Life
The cover includes a mast head which is large, clear and easy to read allowing it to stand out, plus the logo of the school is on the left hand side linking it to the publisher. The strap line contain the date and school for future reference and clarification. The magazine is free therefore there is no need of a barcode or price and also there are very few cover lines which is very unusual for a magazine. They may have done this as the picture speaks for itself. It is taken at a low angle as a mid/long shot underwater. this shows the range of extra circular activities and the quirkiness of this photo attracts the reader to find out more. As the school is unisex there is also a photo of a young boy on the cover who is portraying the studios nature of the school. the three cover lines stand out in bright white on the blue background and as there few they catch the readers eye. The lighting of the main image however is quite clear even  though it has been taken underwater and it is clear to the reader that this is a magazine about students for the school community.
published and can refer back to it with ease.

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