What do you think is the best name for a Pop music magazine?

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Possible Shots for my Student Magazine

 1) I prefer my model with her hair up as it looks more formal.
 2) Her hair looks slightly tidier here but I would prefer if she was more to the side and not straight on.
3) The angle of this shot is better however, I would prefer it to be at a slightly lower angle and once again her hair is a little too messy.

4) I like this shot however the style is too colloquial for a student magazine.
5) This is my favourite shot however, I would have liked the shot to be at a lower angle.
I'm not sure which one to chose I favour shot 4 and 5 and I think I am going to go for shot 5 as the model looks tidy and student-like.

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